Embroidery – Utilizing nothing but the best ZSK embroidery machines, ZSK invented the embroidery machine over 100 years ago and still is the pinnacle of embroidery machines today. Utilizing a true industrial design and build these machines use servo motors for precision and quality. We use Groz-Beckert titanium needles, high-end thread (Madeira, Isacord, etc), and properly maintenance our machines and run calibration tests, so that you get the best result possible. For the digitizing, we use an American based digitizer that has more than 30 years of experience, that truly does each design by hand and does NOT do any auto-digitizing; its the right way to do it for the best result, however this is rare to find.
• ZSK is the Top-Tier of Embroidery Machines
• Top-Tier Needles, Thread, and Supplies
• Our Machines are Properly Maintained and Calibrated
• Digitizing Done by Hand, No Auto-Digitizing